Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Volcano Eruptions Effecting Geography

The eruptions of several volcanos of Eyjafjallajökull that exist in Eyjafjallajökull which is part of Iceland. This eruption has a lot to do with the impact of geography including location, economics, physical geography, politics, and movement of people.

It is first important to understand where Eyjafjallajökull exists. It is located in Iceland which is part of Northern Europe near a glacier. This is located then in south part of the region. Up until this point I had never heard of this city. Due to this eruption of volcano and the latest news, it made me interested in where this was located. Therefore I learned more about geography and locations in other places around the world. Also this location effects the people living near this volcano. The location of houses near this volcano is not safe and therefore has displaced people across the region. Nearly 500 farmers and families living in the areas of Fljótshlíð, Eyjafjöll, and Landeyjar were forced to relocate. They are therefore not allowed to return home till after a committee agrees that it is safe for the people to return.

This volcano eruption also has impacted the economy in numerous ways. For example it has ruined homes and farmer's lands. This volcano has not only wiped out farmer's source of income but will therefore hurt the economy with the loss of revenue. Secondly it also has forced visitors visiting Europe to pay bigger hotel bills. The airport was closed down due to the effects of volcano. Therefore no new visitors can leave or enter the country. This has stopped the traveling of people and only forced the visitors staying there to spend more money on hotels. I also think that the people living near the volcano had to pay money to either relocate to a safer area or had to check into hotels until it is safer for them to return home. Lastly a major hit has taken place in the economy. With airports shut down airports are losing tons of money a day without flights leaving and entering the country.

Next these volcano eruptions are destroying landscape and physical geography. For example all the natural surroundings and farmer's lands are being burnt to ashes by the hot lava. Upon reading on this topic, I learned that the lava is composed of substances called alkali olivine basalt. These lava flows are changing the landscape of the area. Not only is it changing landscapes but also polluting the water. This also effects drinking water for the people and livestock. Farmers were warned not to let their livestock drink from rivers where the water could be contaminated with lava.

This also effects politics. For example there are many different leaders rising to the throne to help take action against this problem. Not only does this create an imbalance of power among leaders and different people to help clean up this volcano eruption and how to get the airports to reopen. Also this creates a problem between the environmentalist and the political leaders. Not only this but other countries are getting involved in this problem which could strengthen foreign affairs.

This also effects movement of people. For example the movement of people between different countries has stopped due to the shut down of the airports. Also people were asked to relocate their homes for those who lived near the volcano. This also sent many people to other parts of the country if not temporarily but also permanently. People may permanently have to move away from the volcano because their farms or homes were destroyed.

This volcano eruptions have therefore impacted many different parts of geography. Although this a serious problem we must all take precautions and find ways to help the people in need at this time.

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