Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blog #6

One thing I found insightful in this video was how it talked about Dubai and how it is one of the fastest growing cities. The most interesting fact I found was not from the standpoint of the growing construction sites but how 180 different cultures get along happily within this city.

I think that this city can be a great model to the rest of SW Asia's culture. With the whole Gaza strip issue it can be seen that many cultures cannot get along. How can this then be that the people of Dubai can get along so well while Gaza cannot?

Another great idea that this clip can bring to other cultures in this area was the statement that Dubai is a "revolution not with guns or bombs but with ideas." This can be a great model to other states who are fighting over land with bombs but should instead talk about their feelings.

According to our textbook it stated that Dubai was created because of oil. This shows the power of oil reserves in the country. Our textbook talked about how the countries who not have the oil resources and income raise their economy through means of tourism. However Dubai will grow rapidly with a sound economy because not only was it built with oil resources but will also attract tourists to the area.

Dubai is also helping cultures by employing people from Bangladesh,India, and Pakistan to work at construction sites in Dubai. This will help supply cultures with money to live happy lives and to support large families.

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