1. I chose this video because it shows how the people of Haiti have to react and deal with the aftermath once they are passed the point of being in total shock -- once they've had a moment to grasp the reality of what has happened to them. They now have to figure out how to get shelter, food, medical help, etc. The enormous amount of difficuties the Haitian's are facing are unbelievable. Hopefully the Haitians are feeling in some way the "comfort" the world is trying to bring to them -because, like the doctor comments in the video, that is all we can offer some of them at this point.

2. I chose this picture to the right for several reasons. Haiti's lack of building codes are exemplified best I thought with this before and after earthquake picture of their leader's palace. This hopefully shows the rest of the world the level of aid and further guidance the nation will need to recover, rebuild, improve infrastructure, and sustain accordance to better building techniques.
Nice work so far, keep it up.